Issue June 2016
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The CPD Roundtable is about you deciding on the “what”, “when” and “how” you want to learn.

(a) Inception: The First CPD Roundtable

Choo Dee Wei successfully conducted the first CPD Roundtable on the evening of 14 Apr 2016, at Secret Recipe, Bangsar LRT Station. The focus was on two recent Federal Court decisions:


Seruan Gemilang Makmur Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur & Anor [2016] 3 CLJ 1 (FC) which gave all parties present the opportunity to discuss striking out principles, the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic fraud, and also the res judicata principle. All present concluded that the judgment was sound.


Suruhanjaya Sekuriti v Datuk Ishak Ismail [2016] 3 CLJ 19 (FC) was a robust analysis of the impact of section 112 of the Evidence Act 1950 statements, and the discussion raised other related cases and the admissibility of statements made by the accused. There were a variety of views presented on whether the use of sections 123 and 124 of the Evidence Act 1950 were too liberally interpreted, and the role of privilege. A key consideration was also whether a particular provision may be contrary to public policy and the role that the courts should play in making such decisions.

A total of 10 Members of the Bar were present at this inaugural event.
Congratulations to Choo Dee Wei and all participants!

(b) How to Conduct a CPD Roundtable Event

Email cpd@malaysianbar.org.my with the following information:
  Date of Event        Venue         Time        Content        Proposed invitees
We will acknowledge receipt of the information by email.
The organiser, whom we call the “Curator”, will be responsible to confirm the event details with us and provide the following:
List of attendees with full names and Bar Council membership number or NRIC number (attendees must sign in and sign out with time stated); and
Minutes of the event (containing matters of discussion and persons involved).
We will then provide the Curator with the CPD code and confirm the CPD points that each attendee will receive.
The general rule is one CPD point per 60 minutes.
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